I don't know if anyone is interested in baby sign language but I think it is the best thing I could have ever done for me and Tanner. It is amazing. He can say about 35-40 words in sign. He can tell you if he is hungry or thirty, cold, tired or any other thing he might be feeling.
San Diego has tons of free classes for young children and parents.
Tanner and I go to toddler sign on Mondays. (tomorrow we are riding the ferry to seaport village)
Wed. we go to an outdoor class that meets at a new park around San Diego every week. (Fair last week)
Thurs. is an indoor play group where we do some crafts and discussions about various topics.
and Fridays we go to an infant sign class.
These are amazing classes that are totally free. We take field trips to places like Sea World, the Zoo, a small farm,Pumpkin patch, and Birch aquarium just to name a few. We love our teacher Becky. babysignsandiego.com
I just wanted to put this info out there if anyone is interested. It is never too late to start teaching signs and if you are not really in to that just come on out and get together with other moms.
It is summer session right now so there are only a few more classes in the summer but I will try to let everyone know when it starts back up in the fall.
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